From the Series: The Changing Energies of our Lives
The 11/2 energy of Renee’s August has given her an opportunity in her 3 personal year to slow down and to reflect in order to gain a deeper awareness through more relaxed and creative avenues. This is a time for Renee to achieve insight around what she is working with in her life and how she wants to approach dealing with it as it ebbs and flows. This energy is going to ask her to use humor, lightness and creativity in navigating her life at this time, even though it may feel like it’s moving at a slower pace.
“I started off this month by taking a vacation because of my energy--mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually--was drained,” says Renee. “Most of my vacation week was spent alone or with my dogs connecting to nature through local hikes and beach trips, doing yoga and lots of meditation. I even reached out for guidance from some spiritual teachers as I embark on a new birth year. I had a profound birthday experience where I watched the sunrise from the top of Cadillac Mountain with my dogs. I have definitely felt the slower energy of this month and have even felt me relax more into dealing with the challenging situations that arise rather than confronting them with an emotionally charged reaction. I have found myself being more open to creative solutions for alternative problem-solving.”

Renee’s choice to spend time replenishing all of her energy reserves during a vacation aligned beautifully with the 11/2 energy that presented during her August this Personal 3 year. Master number 11/2 is a highly spiritual number with a high vibration. So this month is also a great time for her to invest more into her own spiritual growth; reaching out to her spiritual teachers was a perfect way to lean in to the possibilities available to her within this month’s energy.
Also, the number 2 energy in her life right now is about love, harmony, and relationship. One of the continuing themes for Renee’s Personal 3 year is embracing opportunities for her to inspire and uplift others. This month’s energy can help her succeed in such pursuits as long as she keeps her energy and life balanced through proper self-care.
What insights about her life and relationships will Renee gain as the 11/2 energy surrounds her this month? And, what can she expect from the manifestation of her deepest heart’s desires in the remainder of her 3 Personal year? Check back next month to find out!
"It has been a blessing to work with Sue and have her help me with understanding the energy as it comes and goes into my life,." says Renee. "I think this year might have been a little more difficult if I didn't have the knowledge that Numerology has given me. Having the ability to know what it wants from me has allowed me to use it to the best of my abilities."
Discover the power of numerology for yourself by scheduling your personal reading with Sue on website through Calendly. Readings are done by phone, video conference, or at the Blue Heron.