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June Monthly Forecast

Writer's picture: Sue CoffinSue Coffin

Unsure of what your Personal Year is?

Year 1 would make June:

7 Personal Month

The combination of 1 and 7 beckons a quiet time, allowing you to analytically figure out how you want to proceed in reaching your goals in a more efficient way. 1 energy is about self and 7 is about self-reflection. This month, allow yourself time to be alone, catching up on rest and relaxation. Look within. 7 is spiritual energy with heightened intuition, so listen and trust. Facts that you were unaware of can be revealed. This is surprising at first, but helpful in the long run. It’s a great month to take a class or catch up on some reading that you’ve been putting on the back burner. Whatever you do, make it as uplifting and positive as you can. If you find yourself in a challenging situation, don’t argue. Be the observer. Answers will come to you that put you in a better position next month, in your 8 (business or career) energy. Ultimately, your job now is to gain a deeper insight into the direction in which you’re headed.

Personal Year 2 would make June:

8 Personal Month

The 2 and 8 combination allows you to help others in their endeavors. Your energy level is increased but don’t be too aggressive in trying to push things along. You could finally get that compliment or recognition that you have been working toward. Accept it and pat yourself on the back. It’s important to lean on others and listen to what they have to say. If you’re planning on making a change, keep those thoughts to yourself. Next month you might have to let go of something in order to open the door. Think it through thoroughly. It’s all in the details. Balance all relationships with tact and diplomacy. Sometimes being the observer is the more productive tactic. If money is owed to you, this is the month when you might see that returned. It’s a great month to sit with your finances and really understand where the money is coming and going. A short trip for work might arise. If that happens, take a few days and enjoy it.

Personal Year 3 would make June:

9 Personal Month

The pairing of 3 and 9 brings forth emotions. Finalizing and completing things is what’s asked of you this month. 3 is creative energy, encouraging you to use your words. Dig down deep and be honest. You know in your heart that something needs to change. That something is what’s no longer serving your greatest and highest good. 9 is about Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, and letting go. This energy will support you in addressing the situation, whether it’s a project that needs to wrap up, a relationship that needs to end, or maybe just a plain cleaning out of your sock drawer. If you don’t take care of it this month, I suspect you will see the ending in September or October. Clarity seems to elude you. Just know that it’s the slower-moving energy of the 9. It’s important that you eat right and get plenty of rest. Do the work that’s required this month because next month will be a 1 month, which will put that bounce back into your step.

Personal Year 4 would make June:

1 Personal Month

4 and 1 together support the ability to take all those loose ends and make them yours. Your clarity emerges and helps you start something new, understanding the details it includes. You feel confident, determined to get things moving. Make sure you have all the necessary facts before you proceed, and don’t move too quickly. You might be asked to take on more responsibilities with work or home. If so, step outside the box to get some ideas on how best to take care of those duties. Home projects are fun in this energy. It’s easy to get lost in all the work that surrounds you, but be sure to make some time to spend with friends and family.

Personal Year 5 would make June:

11/2 Personal Month

The partnership of 5 and 11/2 is a funny combination. The 5 feels restless and the 2 slows things down, causing delays. All the activity that happen last month needs time to manifest. Your need to push things along will only cause you anxiety. Relax and pay attention to details. You might find yourself in a situation that needs more patience than you want to give. Tests can emerge; just be tactful and diplomatic in how you handle them. Walking away can sometimes be the best course of action. Don’t argue as this will backfire. This energy wants you to be in a peaceful, serene environment, and that happens by you putting in the effort to create that. Step away from things a bit, if stress is an issue. Allow yourself to lean on others for advice if you’re feeling indecisive. Heightened sensitivity and intuition increases awareness of opportunities. Expect the unexpected.

Personal Year 6 would make June:

3 Personal Month

6 and 3 together supports a playful month with family and friends, so it’s a good time for a vacation. Let go of some of that responsibility you’ve have been carrying and do something wonderful for yourself! Your creativity emerges through words, artistic abilities, or doing that home project you have been anxious to start. Let your imagination soar. Lift others up, and share the joy that you’re experiencing with them. 3 and 6 together are emotional energy so speak your truths with loved ones but be careful of gossip. What goes around comes around. Reach out to friends that you haven’t heard from in a while. Don’t spend money you don’t have. A lucky break can happen in this energy. This is a great time for business and careers, and financial reward is possible. Next month will carry with it more work.

Personal Year 7 would make June:

4 Personal Month

7 and 4 together yield a serious practicality and bogs you down with details and mundane routines. Last month’s energy was fast moving with an element of playfulness, so this month’s a big change! You will find yourself wanting more alone time. Watch your health by eating right and getting plenty of rest. It’s important that you allow yourself time for self-reflection. Take a class, read, go for walks, find that mentor you seek… do whatever pulls you inward. This is the month to tie up loose ends, creating a more solid foundation for your future. Get your affairs in order. This energy moves slowly, allowing you time to tap into your inner wisdom for problem-solving. You might find more people coming to you asking you to take on their responsibilities. Take on only what you can handle. What you accomplish this month will have a pay-off in October.

Personal Year 8 would make June:

5 Personal Month

8 and 5 together support a wonderful sense of freedom after last month’s limitations and restrictions. Expect this energy to be fast-paced with an element of expansion through a new experience, new acquaintance, or unexpected turn of events. Allow yourself to take a risk and embrace the change. Be flexible and go with the flow. Drop a few of those boundaries that have held you back. Promote yourself and share ideas. Real Estate, whether you’re selling, moving, or buying: this is the month you will see action. A job change can show up, or you may find you need to travel for work. If you’re tested in any way, don’t use your words impulsively. Stop and think to avoid an upset. A new friend could help you advance your ideas. Pay attention to opportunities that arise. Don’t miss out!

Personal year 9 would make June:

6 Personal Month

9 and 6 together shine a new light on your relationships with family and friends, whether this means deepening your relationships or releasing what is no longer serving your highest and greatest good. Use your words carefully and honestly: emotions can run high. This is the month to let them know how much you care or clear the air if that’s needed. You feel like your energy is depleted, so respect that and get plenty of rest. A long-lost friend can turn up in this month. By being kind to others and helping people when you need to, you’ll reap rewards. Work could yield some type of recognition, promotion or reward, which may provide you some financial gain. The 9 Personal Year is asking you to purge physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Letting go doesn’t come easy for any of us, because it ushers in change from unfamiliar territory. Remember that growth comes with change.


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