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November Mercury Retrograde

Writer's picture: Sue CoffinSue Coffin

Hi Everybody!

If you own a Healing Numbers Calendar, you see Mercury's symbol in November representing Mercury Retrograde.

I’m excited to share with you the podcast that I did with Dorothy Morgan, Astrologist. We had a wonderful conversation about the upcoming Mercury Retrograde starting on Oct 31st and lasting through November 20th.   

I’ll be honest with all of you: I know nothing about astrology other than I’m a Gemini; that’s it! OMG, right?! Out of everything I’ve studied, I never picked up Astrology.  So when I talk with Dorothy, I get to learn right along with all of you.

I do find it interesting that the numbers around at the times of retrograde match the energy that Dorothy talks about. That’s one of the reasons I’m so adamant about sharing different modalities with you. It all works together; none of it is separate. Energy is Energy! The more we learn, the better we can understand and deal with what’s being asked of us at specific times in our lives. There are guides; we just have to be open and accept their guidance.    

I think it’s important to acknowledge that we all feel a certain shift when Mercury Retrograde is present. It has a tendency to swing the past around, allowing us to face what still needs to be addressed. What I find interesting is what zodiac sign is influencing it.

According to Dorothy, Mercury Retrograde is in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, a water sign. It’s intuitive, emotional, private. Like the predatory arachnids for which it’s named, it’s patient, quietly poised in stillness until it strikes. This year, Mercury Retrograde has occurred in a water sign every time it’s shown up, which means it’s swinging back emotions. She states that right after the retrograde, we will all be able to verbalize what we’ve discovered within ourselves, and in a more comfortable way.

In Numerology, I see an unsettled month for November. Universally, the year is a 3, and November is the 5th universal energy month. Remember, too, that we’re starting to glimpse a little of next year’s energy rising up, which universally will be a 4 in 2020. The combination of 3 and 5 together is known as the “wild child” energy: unsettled, undisciplined, with changes (some of them unexpected), and it’s easily bored. It can be immature when things don’t go its way. Jealousy can sky-rocket.  3 uses its words in creative ways but can fall prey to “open mouth, insert foot.” With a little of the 4 energy in the mix, calling for honesty and justice, pay attention to details and stay firm. Fingers crossed, 4 can settle 3 and 5 down enough to get a little work done in a constructive way. However, I feel there will be resistance from 5. Accidents can happen when these energies are together, due to inattention and impulsiveness.

Conversely, balanced 3, 5, and 4 energies will foster the ability to communicate in creative ways, solving problems honestly!   Keep your feet on the ground. Be conscious of what’s going on around you. Don’t get caught galloping off without completing what needs to be done. Be compassionate in how you use your words. Most of all, enjoy the feeling of constructive freedom.

Mercury Retrograde
Healing Numbers Podcast

My Podcasts can be found on Google Podcasts, PocketCasts, Spotify, RadioPublic,Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Overcast, Anchor. Please share with others and any comments or suggestions are appreciated. 

Interested in an Astrology Reading with Dorothy Morgan?

Below is part of the guide that comes with the 2020 Healing Numbers Calendar. They can be purchased through my website.

I also will be at the Blue Heron 81 Main Street Bangor on the 9th and 23rd from 10-2 answering questions and showing off my calendars. Please drop by to say Hi!

Mercury Retrograde

I think it’s important that we’re all aware of when Mercury is in Retrograde, because it influences and affects us all at the same time.That can be a little uncomfortable if you’re not aware.

When Mercury is in Retrograde, the past is being swung back around. It can make us feel like we are treading water, with no forward movement. This backtracking allows old beliefs to come forward, causing emotions to rise. This energy slows us down and makes us feel more tired. Respect that and get extra sleep, which will help you deal with the little annoyances that Mercury Retrograde puts on our plate.

Communication becomes obscured. There’s a tendency to not understand what others are clearly saying. Likewise, you feel like you’re not being heard in the context of the words you’re speaking.

It’s most important to slow down and speak with precision. You’re not the only one who feels fogged in, waiting for the fog bank to lift. Be patient with yourself and everybody around you, because frustrations can run high at this time. 

If you’re experiencing self-doubt, draw your shoulders back and lean into the energy that’s present. Chaos resides in the mix, until it’s completed its cycle. We can’t change it so accept it, work with it, and inject a bit of humor into the mix, to feel better. 

This isn’t the right time to make any big decisions or start something new. But this is, actually, a good time to revisit unanswered problems and questions. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the creative, new solutions to old problems that will present themselves!

Emails, texts and phone calls seem to be slower in getting to the right place. They might not even get there at all. 

Expect computer issues and technical issues. Back up your computers and work daily when Mercury is in Retrograde. Make sure your antivirus software’s up to date and running continuously.

Appliances and motor vehicles seem to break down more often during this time.

If possible, travel should be avoided because there will more than likely be delays.

That’s the standard theme for Mercury Retrograde. Expect “delays” in everything! For any important project, it’s a good idea to have a “Plan B” in your hip pocket, just in case it’s needed.Moving during this period is not encouraged but planning for a move is.

Items seem to be misplaced more often at this time. 

Don’t promise anything that you aren’t 100% sure you can deliver.This is a great time to tie up loose ends.Great time to have a family reunion, to revisit old friends, or to reinvent that idea you’ve considered.

Most people become uncomfortable in Mercury Retrograde because of the emotional baggage that returns. It may be useful to remember that it’s seeking resolution!

The RE in retrograde means – re-think, re-do, re-organize, re-write, re-work… get the picture? Just put RE in front of anything and you’ll have a good handle on this energy, hands down.

You have free will to do with the energy as you want – you can become annoyed and angry or just let it roll off your shoulders and accept that it wants you to revisit life. I suggest having fun with it and accepting it for what it is!

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and you picture will always be bleak.  Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor,  and your picture begins to lighten up. Alan Klein

Make the best of your day but doing something kind for someone!!! Sue


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